I have decided to start experimenting with a new webzine. It's called Thee Rapture and I think it is an attempt to create a low maintenance site using some of the existing carnel infrastructure to do something like the Sauvage zines I produced last year.
Oh check me out, I'm finally updating the front page. Despite appearances there was actually some progress in carnel world.
Recently I have been producing very small issues, ranging from 8 to 16 pages. Hopefully in an attempt to make them more regular and less effort to create. However that means they are a little tricky to sell on the web. Now we are in 2009 though I can offer a single bundle of issues that representing everything that came out in the year.
The 2008 bundle represents Issues 36 to 38 and a copy of Les Sauvages #1, a microzine that was produced to coincide with a WFRP get-together in London.
I have decided to move the preview column from the paper zine to a blog format. The new blog is available to read here and is pretty much the same "bitty" format as the column in the zine. There's a few entries up there now but hopefully it will grow a bit soon.